cm chanchal
  • Project Type: Website Development
  • Date: 25 August, 2019
  • Address: Bangladesh

What is Web Development

The creation and upkeep of websites, or the labor that goes on behind the scenes to make them function properly,

look attractive, and provide a seamless user experience, is known as web development..


What Are the Most Common Programming Languages?

The most common programming languages involved in web development are:
  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
  • CSS (Cascading Style sheets)
  • JavaScript

Types of Web Development

There are Three types of web development: fornt-end development,back-end development, 
and full stake development 

Benefits of Bening a Web Developer 

Web development is becoming one of the most popular professions. It was ranked #8 in the  News & World Report’s Best Tech Jobs of 2018.
Thanks to today’s technology, hospitals, clinics, hotels, resorts, restaurants, and many other businesses have their own websites.  
Websites have become so popular that they are  a “need” for almost every company or business. When you browse the internet, 
you will see millions of different websites from all over the world.
cm chanchal